Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tools and Idols

All that we own is either a tool to be used or an idol.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


To hold fast the word of promise, to maintain a hatred of sin, to go on steadfastly in the path of duty, in defiance both of the frowns and the smiles of the world, when we have but little comfort, is a more certain evidence of grace, than a thousand things which we may do or forbear when our spirits are warm and lively.

John Newton
January 11, 1777
Feelings vs. Spiritual Well-Being

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Christ's Absences

When he is with me, all goes on pleasantly: when he withdraws, I find I can do nothing without him, I need not wonder that I find it so; for it must be so of course, if I am what I confess myself to be, a poor, helpless, sinful creature in myself. Nor need I be over-much discouraged, since the Lord has promised to help those who can do nothing without him, not those who can make a tolerable shift to help themselves. Through mercy, he does not so totally withdraw, as to leave me without any power or will to cry for his return. I hope he maintains in me at all times a desire of his presence; yet it becomes me to wait for him with patience, and to live upon his faithfulness, when I can feel nothing but evil in myself.

John Newton
May 4, 1773
Christ's Absences--Spiritual Experiences

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Our Utmost

Do we appreciate the miraculous salvation of Jesus Christ enough to be our utmost for His highest--our best for His glory?                                --Oswald Chambers

Consider that my failures to endure; my failures in sin; rob God of glory that is rightfully His.  What I mean by this is that worship of God is less in me and others when I do not give my utmost for Him. He is not less glorious, but less worship and less glory are attributed to Him by the watching world. Can I give less than my best for Him?