Monday, May 27, 2013

Good, Righteous, Holy

God is good, righteous and holy.

He is good in that he is benevolent toward those that are his. He wants to do "good" for us and to us. He is not watching over us waiting for us to mess up so that he can punish us. (Matthew 7:11, Romans 8:32)

He is righteous in that he always does what is right based on his character. His actions are always perfect in righteousness. He hates wickedness and sin. His actions are consistent and never vary from his standard. (1 John 3:7)

He is holy in his essence or nature. He is pure, sinless, perfect in character. He "is" holy. He "acts" righteously. God is set apart from all creation and altogether "other" in his holiness. (Isaiah 6:3)