Saturday, February 12, 2011

Grocery Store Worship

It is incomprehensible that people, including myself, can walk through the produce section of the local grocery store and not consider the existence, goodness and magnificence of God. I was there today again. Frequently, I run through that area grabbing apples, lettuce and tomatoes...hurrying on to the next section, hoping to get home as soon as possible. But occasionally, I stand in amazement looking at what God has raised from dirt, water and sun. All for us to enjoy and for our nourishment. Consider the orange. From a seed a tree grows. The tree uses the soil to create a brilliant orange ball protected by a thick skin. Inside is a fantastic fruit good for eating or for drinking, it's extracted juice. It is sweet and delicious, hanging ready from a branch for one to pick. Out of nothing. By a conglomeration of random occurrences? I think not. Almighty God has made these things! In his power, glory and goodness they are piled in aisles at the local ACME for us. Let us gaze in wonder and consider the greatness and goodness of God...even at the local market.

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