Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Jesus says if we wish to be his disciples we must be willing to forsake all (Luke 14:25-33). This most obviously includes material things but more subtly might include our health, our relationships, our position and our reputation. I think of this as meaning forsake all for the kingdom of God and consider it in the sense that an occurance may come into my life where I am called to give things up for the obvious benefit of the kingdom of God. But what if the benefit to the kingdom is not obvious? What if one's reputation is damaged through outside forces beyond one's control? Or what if an honest mistake leads to the damaging of a reputation? Our inner response to a loss such as this demonstrates whether we are willing to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. For God would say that everything good that we have is from him and not of ourselves (James 1:17). Our material things, jobs, money, health and reputations are given and protected by him. Everything we have is his to take away. This needs to be considered in light of other scriptures of course. God says he will work all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28). He says he loves us and has an inheritance in heaven for us as his adopted children (1 John 3:1; 1 Pe 1:4; Romans 8:15). He says we will have trouble in this world, but that he has overcome the world (John 16:33). The question is when the rubber hits the road and I suffer loss will I in bitterness and anger against God struggle with my faith? Or will I rest in his promises and allow myself to be humbled for his glory, even if I do not understand why circumstances have occurred? Certainly, the former is a manifestation of unbelief...unbelief in God's word and promises or his character or his existence. Paul had learned to be content in all circumstances recognizing these things and giving thanks to God (Phil 4:11). Thanksgiving and gratefulness is the heart of the believer sold out to God. Thanksgiving and gratefulness in spite of earthly circumstances (1 Thes 5:13). For we have the "pearl of greatest price" guaranteed in our future (Matt 13:46). Do I really believe it? Can I say with Job: "Naked I came into the world, and naked I shall depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord?"

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