Friday, June 05, 2009


“Salt is good, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is of no use either for the soil or for the manure pile. It is thrown away. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. "
--Lk 14:34-35--

A disciple of Jesus Christ is a student of him, seeking to learn his ways and to become like him. Obviously, the first steps of this process include hearing the gospel, accepting it and trusting in Christ as one's savior. Jesus then says to believers: go and make disciples of all people groups, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit and teaching them to be obedient to His commands (Mt 28:19). A disciple is called to love God more than any person on earth (Lu 14:26), to sacrifice his will to the will of God (Lu 14:27) and to be willing to give up material and non material possessions for God (Lu 14:33). One question that has arisen in my mind is can one be a believer and not be a disciple? I don't know the answer to this, but I suspect that a believer does not have to be a disciple. The churches of our nation seem to be filled with such individuals; those who go to church on Sunday but are indistinguishable from unbelievers otherwise (myself included at times). A disciple becomes like his teacher, and as Jesus drew people to himself, so also the disciple of Christ should by his example draw people to God. The disciple of Jesus is salty to a watching world. He is seasoning, flavor and a preservative. Walt Henrichsen in Disciples Are Made And Not Born makes the point that Jesus is using seasonless salt as a metaphor for the believer that is not a disciple. One who believes in Christ and yet is not a disciple is useless to the master and worthy of being thrown away. Terrifying words. Yet the poor witness of a professing believer that is not a disciple to the world and the glory not given to God because of his example make Jesus' words ring true. The question I personally must ask myself is..... am I a disciple of Jesus Christ, and if so, what am I doing to make disciples for the King of kings?

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