Wednesday, September 21, 2011

King Asa

I awoke this morning thinking of Judah's King Asa. Not sure why. I hadn't read about him recently. But my thoughts went to Asa's actions at the end of his rule. Asa had been a godly king seeking in many ways to glorify God early in his life. However, later on Asa when challenged militarily by Israel turned to Syria to rescue him instead of his Father in heaven. (This was in stark contrast to his actions earlier in life when he turned to God when militarily threatened resulting in God's deliverance). Asa looked to himself and worldly powers to help him rather than God. I went to work and at noon lunch turned on the radio to hear David Jeremiah speaking about Asa's sin...the exact text I inexplicably awoke thinking about (2 Chronicles 16:1-9)! What is fascinating to me is how this pertains to my life. I have been under incredible stress for a number of reasons not the least of which is a water damaged basement and an insurance company that refuses to cover the damage. (In my opinion, the insurance company is being negligent but the story is too long to go into). I spent the last 40 hours chasing down insurance people, protesting, arguing my case and considering legal action. This was all done without any significant discussion with God (a few prayers "tossed up" here and there). Then this Asa things pops up...."out of the blue.' The bottom line in all this is that I need to look to God for my deliverance. He is my provider and protector. I need to ask him for help and depend on him for any deliverance I receive. Obviously, God is not obligated to get my basement taken care of at present. But if i really believe in an all powerful God who loves me, why am I stressed to the hilt seeking my deliverance elsewhere? I repent of my unbelief great God. I pray you would "save" me in this situation, but if not, I will worship you forever no matter what is your decision. I will rely on you in this to provide and protect. Your will be done. Amen

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