Wednesday, October 24, 2007


What is faith and what does it mean to believe in God? There is a difference between knowing about Jesus and believing in Jesus. If I stand on the side of a cliff looking out over a deep gorge and I see a wood slat and rope bridge traversing that chasm, I know the bridge is there. My eyes can see it. Faith in the structural integrity of that bridge and it's ability to carry me to the other side of the gorge is only manifested as I walk across to the other side. There is no proof that the bridge will hold up under my weight. I must believe in my assessment of the sturdiness that is apparent to my mind through my vision or in the ability of those who constructed the bridge. Faith in God is like faith in the bridge. Knowing God is there is not enough by God's own definition. We are called to step out and put our weight on the words and promises of God. We are called to live our lives as God called us to because we believe in the structural integrity of his word. So, it is the man who walks across the bridge and the man who lives his life like he believes God's word is true that truly has faith. Which am I and which are you?

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